Dbeaver Navicat


Dbeaver Vs Navicat

Not sure if DBeaver, or Navicat Premium is the better choice for your needs? Check Capterra’s comparison, take a look at features, product details, pricing, and read verified user reviews. Still uncertain? Check out and compare more Database products. Navicat for MySQL is ranked 1st while DBeaver is ranked 2nd. The most important reason people chose Navicat for MySQL is: Navicat can easily import data from ODBC, Excel, Access, DBF, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON etc and export to Excel, Access, DBF, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON etc. 数据库可视化工具DBeaver 这几天navicat试用期过了,破解也比较麻烦。最后找到了开源的数据库可视化工具DBeaver,后来发现这个可视化工具真的很好用,功能很强大,可以连接各种类型的数据库,而且它的连接工具是应用内下载,只要下载需要的连接工具就好了,当然最重要的是它完全免费。.

Dbeaver Navicat

  • Dark theme support was improved (Windows 10 and GTk)
  • Data viewer:
    • Copy As: format configuration editor was added
    • Extra configuration for filter dialog (performance)
    • Sort by column as fixed (for small fetch sizes)
    • Case-insensitive filters support was added
    • Plaintext view now support top/bottom dividers
    • Data editor was fixed (when column name conflicts with alias name)
    • Duplicate row(s) command was fixed for multiple selected rows
    • Edit sub-menu was returned to the context menu
    • Columns auto-size configuration was added
    • Dictionary viewer was fixed (for read-only connections)
    • Current/selected row highlighting support was added (configurable)
  • Metadata search now supports search in comments
  • GIS/Spatial:
    • Map position preserve after tiles change
    • Support of geometries with Z and M coordinates was added
    • Postgis: DDL for 3D geometry columns was fixed
    • Presto + MySQL geometry type support was added
    • BigQuery now supports spatial data viewer
    • Binary geo json support was improved
    • Geometry export was fixed (SRID parameter)
    • Tiles definition editor was fixed (multi-line definitions + formatting)
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-completion for objects names with spaces inside was fixed
    • Database objects hyperlinks rendering was fixed
  • SQL Server: MFA (multi-factor authentication) support was added
  • PostgreSQL: array data types read was fixed
  • Oracle: indexes were added to table DDL
  • Vertica: LIMIT clause support was improved
  • Athena: extra AWS regions added to connection dialog
  • Sybase IQ: server version detection was improved
  • SAP ASE: user function loading was fixed
  • Informix: cross-database metadata read was fixed
  • We migrated to Eclipse 2021-03 platform