Spam Me Not

The FTC is working to keep your inbox clear of spam. In the past, the FTC asked you to help by forwarding the spam you received. Now, the FTC collects spam by using a honeypot, which is an online trap. This change makes it more efficient for the FTC to collect spam that is deceptive or illegal, saving tax dollars and your time.

Quel rapport avec la choucroute ? In our case, this incongruous French expression can be more appropriately changed from 'what does it have to do with sauerkraut?' to 'what does it have to do with spam?'. Spam, at least, is only making us sick figuratively.
Having little time and curiosity for most TV shows, I must say that I have never seen Paula Deen's show. But what this article by San Francisco Chronicle's Jon Carroll is depicting is appalling. Don't get me wrong, I am a great believer in home-made food, i.e. food involving simple ingredients. Who in their right mind would add high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated fat to a perfectly good home-made cake recipe? Who would even be stocking such ingredients in their kitchen? (OK, you can probably find tubs of hydrogenated fat in a lot of western fridges.)
  1. is not responsible for any failure of this service. The email addresses you provide to are carefully stored and will not be shared with third parties. More information in our privacy statement. This service may not be misused for sending spam or unsolicited email. Abuse can lead to a ban from this website.
  2. Spam calls are a massive threat to your personal identity, precious time, and sense of security. The scam artists behind these unwanted calls are what makes spam calls so dangerous. Each of these calls is not designed to annoy you. They are designed to steal something from you.

But if cooking show hosts, the arch-advocates of home-made food, make it their business to make their audience fat so their big pharma friends can boost their sales figures by singing the praises of lard and 2000 calorie meals, we're in very bad shape indeed...

About gives you a disposable email address. There is no need to register, simply visit and a random address will be given. You can also choose your own address.

You can give your email address to whoever you do not trust. You can view the email on, click on any confirmation link, then delete it. Any future spam sent to the disposable email will be zapped by, never reaching your mail box, keeping your mail box safe and clean.

Please see the FAQ below for more details about how our temporary email works.

Press & Media has been featured / mentioned in a variety of blogs and publications, including Reader's Digest, Life Hacker,, PC Magazine, PC World (Danish), and many others.


Please use the Feedback widget to contact us (English). Please note that we cannot always reply - although we do our best. Other ways to interact with our team is through Twitter / Facebook.


Q: How can I view the spam folder?

A: There is no spam folder / spam box. All emails that arrive at are delivered to your inbox. If an email didn't arrive, it's most likely a problem on the other side, unless we're having a bad day... If you are a webmaster, can also be used to test if your site sends the emails out correctly.

Q: What is an Alias Address?

A: Since doesn't require account registration, anyone who knows the Inbox ID may have access to that inbox. So it's best to use a random address. To add protection, you can use the Alias Address feature. An Alias Address can only be know if the Inbox ID is known and you cannot use an Alias as an Inbox Id. The more hard-to-guess your Inbox ID is, the better your Alias will protect you.

Q: Do email addresses expire?

A: The current version keeps all incoming email for 1 hour. This means all addresses work all the time, they never expire.

When an email arrives at, it waits in the quarantine ready to be picked up. If a user checks their inbox, will check the quarantine for new email. If found, the email will be instantly moved to the user's inbox. Else, emails will be deleted from the quarantine if they wait there for longer than one hour.

Spam Me Not

Once the email is in an inbox, it will be given 1 hour more, or until the user deletes it.

Emails that were never delivered to an active inbox are marked abandoned and are most likely spam.


(The older version of expired the address after 1 hour and bounced any inactive addresses.)

Privacy deletes all email that was delivered to an inbox after 1 hour. Logs are deleted after 24 hours.

Emails delivered to an inbox are treated with the most privacy, however, please note that anyone who knows your Inbox ID may access your inbox. Using an Alias Address will further protect your privacy. Please see the FAQ for further information.

This site uses a session cookie to maintain application state. Other cookies may be used to remember your preferences. It also uses third-party cookies including Google Analytics and Google Adsense.

We may use anonymized email data for further anti-spam, anti-malware or anti-phishing research. Only email data that is obvious spam is used for this research.


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Our website can only be accessed with HTTPS encryption

Our Technology consists of a web server (Nginx), a database server (MySQL) and a Mail Server (Guerrilla SMTPd). The design goal and purpose of Guerrilla SMTPd is to receive large volumes of email and nothing much else (besides doing only the most basic verification). It happily gobbles down millions of emails daily. Guerrilla SMTPd is an open source project available from GitHub. If you do invite Guerrilla SMTPd to your system, please remember to feed it with lots of spam, spam is what it likes best!

The front-end parts of the website are written in PHP and JavaScript. We make heavy use of jQuery in our JavaScript code, and it is written in such a way that it will default to a HTML version if JavaScript isn't available. We also have an API. Actually, our front-end uses this API for everything on this site.

Not Spam Button

Finally, our hosting changes from time to time, but we like to use Linux.